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Our English teaching and learning aims to value and develop each child’s language skills whilst planning learning experiences that are tailored to suit our children’s needs. To ensure that the English curriculum is purposeful and meaningful to the children, we offer a wide range of learning opportunities. Our English curriculum is full of exciting writing genres that are linked to a variety of books to suit the interests of all children at Rosetta.

Rosetta Readers!


For children to achieve their best, we believe reading must be prioritised. It is always a key focus at Rosetta, it is taught from day one and is at the heart of our curriculum. Teaching children to read is fundamental to all other activities that take place in the classroom. We want to enable all of our children to become skilled and confident readers throughout their time at our school. 

Every morning, children are encouraged to read the banded/decodable books to begin their day. Teachers use this time as an opportunity to listen to children read independently and assess their reading abilities. 

We use Jolly Phonics to teach early reading. Children learn phonics in a systematic way, meaning that they learn sounds in a specific order, as outlined in the programme. Phonics is essential for the decoding of and spelling of words. Phonics takes place daily in EYFS, KS1 and for those children who are still learning to read in KS2. It is our aim that by the end of Key Stage 1 the children will have developed fluent word reading skills and have a good foundation in spelling and comprehension. We hold parent workshops on Phonics to better inform parents on how we teach early reading. 

Comprehension skills are a huge aspect of reading and these skills are developed through Shared Reading sessions using the Reciprocal Reading approach. Adults read with all children on a daily basis to help them secure their word reading and comprehension skills. During Reciprocal Reading lessons, pupils are given the opportunity to secure the core elements of reading: summarising, vocabulary work, question asking, prediction and question answering. In order to develop the children's comprehension, each session will include class dialogue and shared learning with their peers.

Reading books are changed twice a week (on a Monday andFriday) and all children take home two reading books. One that is chosen by their class teacher which is matched to their reading ability and one which is chosen by the child for further enjoyment. Children at Rosetta are encouraged to read at home daily and have a Reading Record book to record the reading that they do at home. We have recently purchased a wide range of new reading books to match the needs, ability and interests of the children at Rosetta. We want our children to become proficient readers to enable them to access all areas of the curriculum and so that the children can develop a lifelong passion for reading.

Throughout the year we promote reading widely by holding book fairs, half termly reading cafes, book events, termly library visits and parent workshops. If you have any further queries about reading at Rosetta, please see your child's class teacher or either of our English Subject Leaders, Miss Musa or Miss Griffin.


At Rosetta, it is our aim for the children to develop the necessary skills needed in order to communicate effectively in their spoken and written language.  We aim to teach these skills by providing experiences in speaking and writing opportunities which engage and excite our children to communicate both verbally and in the written form, whilst also opening them up to experience and value different cultures and history, and ignite curiosity in the world around them. 

Each term, each year group focuses on a range of rich and diverse texts in order to create opportunities for cultivating a rich vocabulary and both technical and compositional skills in writing, ensuring that all our children write for a range of different purposes and audiences.In EYFS and KS1 children learn a range of familiar texts to engage them with their writing and to help them develop their understanding of narratives. 

Spelling Bee Winners!


Our children are taught handwriting through the use of the Penpals Handwriting programme. The children are encouraged to write neatly and present their work to a high standard in all curriculum areas. Early attempts at writing are always encouraged and praised. Children that have learnt the Penpals handwriting style and have developed their own consistently neat style of writing are awarded a pen licence. These children are then given a special pen to use for their writing.

Speaking and Listening

Having good communication skills are an important life skill and enable the children to better access all areas of the curriculum.  Speaking and listening skills are taught and integrated into our English lessons where speaking frames are used, when necessary, to help children formulate appropriate and well-structured verbal responses as well as ‘good’ listening skills being referred to and encouraged within lessons.

Year 1 English Curriculum 

Year 2 English Curriculum 

Year 3 English Curriculum 

Year 4 English Curriculum 

Year 5 English Curriculum 

Year 6 English Curriculum