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At Rosetta we use the Singapore approach to teaching maths. We teach our children to solve problems and develop mental calculation strategies, mathematical fluency and reasoning. It provides our children with the opportunity to contextualise their maths and apply their learning to the practicalities of the world around them.  

Singapore Maths and why we do it.

Singapore Maths is the approach we have adopted at Rosetta; it is based on research and evidence and has changed the way we deliver teaching. Instead of learning discrete mathematical facts by heart, the children are taught to develop fluency based on concepts derived from Bruner’s Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) approach. Children have the benefit of understanding why formulas work, instead of just applying them. This leads to a deeper form of learning and longevity in retaining this knowledge. We always try to contextualise Maths, so that the children understand the links between the mathematics that they learn in school and how to use Maths in real life. We try to show that mathematics is not an isolated subject, by linking learning to the practical matters of the real world around them.

What our Mathematics lessons look like

The CPA approach mentioned earlier follows the understanding that children learn new concepts effectively by first using concrete or real objects; following this they make links to the pictorial representations of what they have been exploring; finally they will be able to apply their learning to more abstract representations (written calculations in Maths). Our lessons generally follow this sequence:

Explore Task: Children will be presented with a problem which they need to solve in specifically allocated mixed ability groups. During this part of the lesson, the Teacher will provide the children with a range of suitable manipulatives (resources such as cubes, counters or number cards); teachers also ask well thought-out questions, which enable the children to think deeply about their learning. The children are likely to experience moments of struggle during this part of the lesson, but this is necessary in order for them to develop their problem solving skills.

Master: During this part of the lesson, the children have the opportunity to share their methods, which are then shared with the class. These methods are captured and displayed around the classroom on large flipchart paper. The teacher will use the textbook at this point to share multiple methods to solve the problem. More often than not, the methods in the textbook match the methods the children themselves have come up with!

Journalling: Children will have the opportunity to solve a problem similar to the Explore Task independently. This part of the lesson is very important in that it allows the children to present their work creatively in a way that is meaningful to them. It also allows the teacher to see which of the children have understood the concept.

Guided Practice: The teacher works with the class through a series of related questions designed to help the children develop their ability to identify patterns and use these to make links in their learning.

Independent Practice: Once the teacher is satisfied that the children have all accessed the learning, they have the opportunity to complete a workbook activity where they can demonstrate their learning. 

Number knowledge & oracy

Number bonds are a key foundation for the success of our learners, and so these are explored and taught in Reception. The ability to subitise is also an area of specific focus in Reception. Subitising is a child’s ability to identify small numbers of objects without having to count each one. The Reception curriculum is also supported using the Foundations Maths No Problem programme. The rapid recall of times tables up to 12 is vital in developing fluency in Mathematics, as a result they are explicitly taught, with a focus on understanding the patterns within times tables.

All children at Rosetta are expected to speak in full sentences during Maths lessons; this focus on developing the children's ability to discuss their maths (oracy) is a key component of our Maths teaching, as it contributes to developing reasoning skills. 

Top Mathematician

These awards are available to children who have shown an exceptional amount of effort in their Maths learning. They can be awarded for a range of reasons from learning times tables to or showing resilience. Children work incredibly hard to be chosen to receive one of these wonderful prizes! They receive a trophy in the Good Work Assembly and it is a truly proud moment. Please help to support your child by helping them to learn their times tables and number bonds and to become the Top Mathematician!


Maths competitions can help pupils gain confidence early in tackling unfamiliar challenges and bring enjoyment in pupils' application of maths. As a result, in the school we have a 'Beat The Teacher' competition aimed at children working as a team in a range of mathematical challenges to defeat their teachers!

Previously, we entered a team of Year 4 and 5 children into the Mayor's Count on Us Primary Challenge; the children did exceptionally well to reach the finals! It has now been replaced by the Wondermaths Challenge organised by the same people. We are looking forward to seeing which of our current Year 4 and 5 children will make the team! We will be looking to enter other competitions if available because competing against peers is a wonderful way to develop our pupils' love of mathematics. Wish us luck!


We take part in a scheme run by Chess in Schools and Communities (CSC), who are a UK charity whose mission is to improve children’s educational outcomes and social development by introducing them to the game of chess. We have been very successful when taking part in London wide competitions in the past. It is believed that chess improves the cognitive and mathematical abilities of a child and also assists with problem-solving capabilities.

Time Table Rockstars

Times Tables Rock Stars is a maths programme that helps to reduce the stress and anxiety of learning times tables. It has a proven history of developing children's fluency and recall in multiplication and division.

We subscribe to Times Table Rockstars for Years 1 to 6.

Useful Links

Maths No Problem - This website will provide more information on how you can support your child with their maths learning at home.

Hit the button - A quick fire game with different levels ranging from number bonds to division facts.

Times Table Rock Stars - This is a fun website where the children can compete against each other, all while learning their times tables! All children have their own logins, which would have been given to them by their class teacher.

Key Stage 2 Bitesize Maths - This website is great for helping your child in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 practise Mathematics at home in a fun way.

Key Stage 1 Bitesize Maths - This website is great for helping your child in Years 1 or 2 practise Mathematics at home in a fun way.

Maths Chase - This website provides a simple way for children to learn their times tables.

For more information on anything you have read, please ask Mrs Prempeh or Mr Singh, our Mathematics Subject Leaders, in school.