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Religious Education

Children at Rosetta Primary School learn Religious Education from Reception to Year 6.

The RE agreed syllabus at Rosetta aims to contribute to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our children and equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to participate and contribute positively to their society, building understanding and tolerance of all the different people that they may encounter in their lives. Our aim is that through this our children will develop a greater love and respect for each which will support them in their present and future by adopting the British Values. 

Every year, the children at Rosetta Primary School take part in numerous celebrations and festivities to celebrate a range of religious festivals such as: Christmas, Eid, Diwali and many more. Our celebrations kick off with understanding what is happening, followed by a party to celebrate the festival. In their RE lessons, the children learn about different religious topics which allows them to use different skills to support their learning. 

How do we do it? What do we do every day to ensure the children make progress?


RE Curriculum Overview