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Speech and Language Therapy

Our school is buying in a Speech and Language Therapy service from East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT). 

Speech and Language Therapists work with school staff in a variety of ways to support children’s speech, language and communication needs. 

If your child has been selected for a language/communication group run by school staff, the Speech and Language Therapist is likely to be involved in overseeing and supporting with the running/delivery of this group.  They may work with the group to model the activities as part of a teaching assistant’s training and/or discuss your child to determine if a group would be appropriate. 

If your child has been identified as having suspected speech, language and communication needs which require specialist assessment and intervention, school will contact you to discuss this.   

If you have any concerns about your child’s speech, language or communication, please speak to the school SENCo who may put you in touch with the school’s Speech and Language Therapist.