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Pastoral Team

School Based Social Worker

Miss Leonard is the school Social Worker and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead; she ensures the school is compliant with regards to safeguarding .

Family Support Worker

Mrs Nicholson is the Family Support Worker at Rosetta Primary School. She is also a Deputy Safeguarding Lead and is able to offer parents/carers emotional and practical guidance for those facing short or long term challenges. 

All support and advice will remain confidential and any concerns relating to the safeguarding of children will be dealt with in accordance with Rosetta School’s safeguarding policy and Keeping Children Safe in Education 2019 policy.

In addition to this, Mrs Nicholson is able to support in the following areas:

If you would like to make an appointment to discuss any concerns please contact the school office directly on 0207 476 5308 alternatively, for more information visit (schools email address)

SCHOOL Counsellor

Miss Bailey is the school Counsellor, with the permission of parents, she delivers 1 to 1 or group sessions to support their emotional needs.