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We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and take account of the information contained in the DfE documents 'Working Together to Safeguard Children' and 'Keep Children Safe in Education: Statutory Guidance for Schools and Colleges (DfE 2022)' as the safety and protection of children is of paramount importance to everyone in this school and we work hard to create a culture of vigilance. At all times we will ensure what is best in the interests of all children.

Our Safeguarding Team:

Miss Bradbury Head Teacher (DSL)
Mr Webster Deputy Head Teacher (DDSL)
Ms Leonard

School Based Social Worker (DDSL)

Mrs Sayers 

 Assistant Head Teacher (DDSL)

Miss Smee

Assistant Head Teacher (DDSL)

Miss Nelson

Assistant Head Teacher (DDSL)

Mrs Prempeh

Assistant Head Teacher (DDSL)

Mr Muchimba

Assistant Head Teacher (DDSL)

Mr Singh

Assistant Head Teacher (DDSL)

Mrs Nicholson

Family Support Worker (DDSL)

Important Telephone Numbers:

Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)                                    
020 3373 3803
Social Services Referrals
020 3373 0440
Out of Hours Social Services
020 3373 0440
030 0123 1212
999 - Emergencies only

Safeguarding Policy

Child Protection Policy

Prevent Risk Assessment

Rosetta uses Safeguard in order to keep a full chronology of events which is stored against any concerns raised allowing us to easily see notes from meetings, interventions and behaviour reports. 

Reports are easily created within a few clicks to enable us to see all concerns raised on a specific child. We can easily export or print the reports for external agencies or meetings which makes information sharing quick and effective.

The DSL and DDSL are emailed alerts as soon as a disclosure is made – Great for time sensitive concerns.